August 17, 2014 Sermon by Pastor Tim Woodard Matthew 14: 22-33 “Come, Walk With Me” How many of you are willing to step out of your day-to-day life and take a risk? I ask because it is a crucial element in your understanding of today’s message! If you are not willing to… Continue reading
Do You Understand?
August 10, 2014 Sermon by Pastor Tim Woodard Matthew 13: 44-51 “Do You Understand?” The lesson I have chosen for us today contains three parables, all of which are about Jesus trying to get his audience to understand what the kingdom of heaven is like! As we move toward a deeper… Continue reading
Let Us Eat
Aug. 3, 2014 Sermon by Pastor Tim Woodard Matthew 14: 13-21 “Let Us Eat” I love the story of how Jesus fed the large crowds on the side of the mountain near the Sea of Galilee, over five thousand people they say. I love it because the message of this story is quite… Continue reading
Have You Been Listening?
July 27, 2014 Sermon by Pastor Tim Woodard Matthew 13: 1-9 “Have You Been Listening?” Years ago when I was starting out in the computer industry I went to a Dale Carnegie sales training class. Throughout the course it was stressed – over and over again – that the essential thing a good… Continue reading