Pastor’s Note for December 2017
The season of Advent is upon us! The celebration of Jesus’ birth is near at hand! Once again, we begin our annual rituals of acknowledging this holy event. Since that first Christmas morning a lot has occurred. The story of how it all happened has evolved into the traditions and rituals we observe. The words hope, peace, joy and love have come to be rallying points around our journey through the four weeks of Advent which lead us to Christmas Eve; a time when we celebrate the light of Christ in the world. The rituals of gift giving and feasting mark the occasion of our God, through the birth of a boy born in a humble setting, coming to live amongst us. On Christmas Day we gather with family and friends sharing the exchange of gifts and a time of fellowship. This indeed is what Christmas is all about! It is only when we come together as a people, as a family in fellowship that the true meaning of this event in history has any meaning at all! God did not come to live alongside us humans to separate us into different theological camps! Rather the birth of the Christ child was and is meant to bring us together to experience the fullness of God’s presence in our lives. Look for opportunities to witness to the rebirth of the true meaning of this our annual celebration of a baby named Jesus, in a town called Bethlehem!
Have a blessed journey though this time of Advent. Bask in the fullness of the Christmas miracle. Be of good cheer on Christmas Eve. Allow your delight to turn into happiness and joy. During our candle lighting service, remember the light of Christ is now in your hands! For that reason, let it shine, bringing light into the darkness. Have a Merry Christmas, one and all! Pastor Tim Woodard