Many may recall when Rev. Winston Matafwali from Kitwe, Zambia was with us, at RUCC, this past season. After delivering a powerful sermon, as our guest speaker, he spent some time with us in fellowship.  There was a ‘Fill the need’ offering taken which was presented to Pastor Winston, which he used to buy chairs and such for his struggling new congregation.  

The following is an update/newsletter from Rev. Winston:


It was a long and exhausting trip back home to Africa, but I am now okay and back to work.
There were a few challenges here and there I find after been away for a long time but by the Grace of God, we are getting over them one by one. I miss every one of you, I should confess as much as I was happy to be with my family and that my wife and kids were thrilled to have me, it took me weeks to adjust back to normal foods and routines. I am so sorry for this long silence, I still miss all of you and will always be grateful to you for your generosity. Let me quickly let you know what we have managed to do since I came back.
Thank you for the sun cream you gave us for memory our Albino member in in the church. She was so happy for the cream because, she never in her life time received so much and it will last her the whole year.
We have bought a few more chairs for the church, a sewing machine and given Lilian sewing kit from Shelley. We have also helped Lilian find a working place in the market near her home. Not only that we have empowered our women in the church with some startup capital and the project seem to be going on well so far.
Thank you also for those small shoes which you sent us, we shared among our women is the church. And in readiness for the last term of the school calendar of our 5 school going children that our church supports, we have managed to buy them new uniforms, shoes, books and bags each of them namely Christen, Natasha, Faith, Mercy and Chris.
You should have seen the smiles on the faces of those children, we also want to let you know that we have received the walking sticks that Mrs. Martha strength sent us and we are giving out to people as we see the need.
Thank you so much.
We are all excited to learn that mum and dad Julie and Larry are coming to Zambia next year.
May God Almighty continue to bless you all.
Pastor Winston



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